domenica 4 ottobre 2020

E siamo in autunno...


Buona domenica, come state? Mi sento in colpa per non riuscire ad aggiornare spesso questo mio blogghino, ma le settimane corrono davvero molto veloci e la sera magari la dedico ad altro......

Questo è un piccolo cuoricino autunnale per tutte voi....un pettirosso naturalmente, ma ormai lo sapete che sono monotona! E poi uno scatto di domenica scorsa, la prima neve sul Monte Lussari.....che spettacolo! 

Oggi invece mi riposo e penso a cosa realizzare per una piccina che deve ancora nascere....vado a prepararmi un the caldo e tiro fuori la borsa di Mary Poppins con tutti i miei tesori...(non gioielli ma  stoffine e fili da ricamo!) buon pomeriggio a tutte! Statemi bene.....a presto M.Grazia


10 commenti:

Susanna ha detto...

Carissima Maria Grazia che gioiellino il tuo pettirosso in "abito" autunnale😍 e bellissima la prima spolverata di neve!
Un grande abbraccio Susanna

sweetmiaomiao ha detto...

Un incanto la prima neve sembra di essere in una favola 😍😍, delizioso il cuoricino

Angela ha detto...

Il tuo pettirosso è veramente carino, e più quella neve così incantata...

Roberta ha detto...

E' un piacere leggerti nuovamente.
Meravigliosi entrambi: sia il tuo piccolo pettirosso che l'immagine della prima neve!

Irene ha detto...

bellissimo il cuore!

butterfly ha detto...

Love the Robin in the heart frame .
What a beautiful photo of the snow .
Enjoy your week.

A casa con Manu ha detto...

Il paesaggio annevato un incanto, ma il tuo pettirosso non è da meno!!!!
Buona giornata Emanuela

OLga ha detto...

Adoro monte Lussari,ci vado in estate ogni anno!Buon weekend

Anonimo ha detto...

My husband changed dramatically towards me, doesn’t communicate anymore.He disrespects me and accuses me falsely of infidelity because of wicked gossip …but I’m simply AMAZED at the results of Dr. Ogudugu who did reunion love spell for me. Everything is going so well and EXACTLY how he said it would be. Even though it took 3 days to fully progress, it was so worth it because things are just about at perfection! How he took my situation and completely turned it around to give me exactly what I wanted is beyond me, but something I will never question and just be completely grateful, God Bless Dr.Ogudugu for turning sorrow happiness. Dr.Ogudugu contact; +2348063739701

SIMON PATCHIN ha detto...

How To Get Your Ex Lover/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Wife Or Husband Back

I was married for 16 years to a loving mother and wife. We had 2 children together who are now 11 & 13. I reconnected with an old girlfriend from college on Facebook and we began an affair and I left my wife. The woman I had an affair with is a wonderful woman and I love her too and our kids had begun accepting the situation and my wife has kind of moved on, but not in love with the man she is seeing. I thought I fell out of love with my wife and I felt terrible about what I did to her - she is a good woman and I don't know what came over me. I decided to try and get her back and I was recommended to Lord Zakuza for help to get reunited with my wife and within 48 hours after I made contact with Lord Zakuza my wife decided to work things out with me and now we are back together with our children living as one happy family. I really don't know the words to use in appreciation of what Lord Zakuza did for me but I will say thank you sir for reuniting I and my family back. For those in trying times with their marriages or relationship can communicate with LORD ZAKUZA through the below informations.

Website via:
WhatsApp/call/text: +1 740 573 9483
Email: Lordzakuza7 @gmail. com